Pit Babe (2023) Episode 12

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  1. Again f*** Tony and why is no one beating his a**? This is a skinny little dude I could obliterate with my boobs alone. Why are these strong guys with “powers” unable to take him out? Also the auctions of these kids comes off as millions when it’s only a hundred thousand or more in US dollars, so how is Tony that rich?

  2. I came here for hot boys and fast cars, but all I see is our Pit Boys, Tony and his crew shovelin’ the same old shhh and callin’ it sugar¯\(ツ) ⁄ ¯ Woof! Kenta! Down Boy! I want to feel sorry for him, but you can’t offer or try to help people who don’t want it. Too bad! I’m glad Charlie and Babe finally reunited. Babe has been tense, heartbroken and traumatized for far too long and I’m not here for that.., so, yay! Collateral damaged Way and Pete make a nice couple, but if I had to choose, it’s definitely Pete with Kenta. Sweet, how Alan went to save Jeff. Jeff’s hero! Love them! I so wanted Kim to get hooked up with anyone, but ehh, too late now. Winner is so great at being a nuisance, he’s an eyesore, for me, lol.. I’m going to need a little justification for Babe’s father’s absence in his life. Looking forward to see how they’re going to tie up all these loose ends in this story filled with potholes on the finale next week. Happy Saturday!

  3. I wish the whole scene at the auction would go down more like it did in the book. Which is why I think 14 eps would have worked better. In the book there’s more going on when everyone is at the house from the time Babe sees Charlie on to what was going on with the auction and what happens during it, there’s alot of detail with it. I’m sure they could find a way to weed it down but that’s an important part of the show as well. With all that going on and if they kill Way like in the book then they got to have his funeral then they got Babe got to go and meet his dad and also there’s another race at the end and that’s alot to squeeze into one ep.

    In the book Babe wasn’t mad or anything at Charlie when Charlie came in and saved Babe after seeing that he was alive but they might change his reaction from how it was in the book.
    When Babe was talking to Sonic and North about not being able to catch the apple I saw the look on his face where he could see that something wasn’t right. it would’ve been good if they went a little more with that. he actually looking like he’s got nothing to live for
    Like an old man sitting waiting on death to come knocking at the door. 😔

  4. Honestly I hope Way will die. Make it a dramatic sacrifice or something, then I might consider looking at him differently. That’s how he can atone for what he did.

    Kenta oh Kenta, tbh I’m getting tired cheering for you lmao. Luckily, you always look good in that tight black shirt highlighting your chest ~respectfully~.

    This series is so inconsistent with their hierarchy and powers. Enigmas and Alphas can’t beat Tony, a normal human being. Even Babe with extreme senses got hit by two normal human bodyguards with a stick. Then there’s Tony, expecting Kenta, a normal human being, to take down 2 Enigmas and 1 special Alpha alone wtf. Not to mention Tony himself said Kenta is worthless and will never be like those special humans lol.

  5. did they really have to end the episode right when papa and mama met they should have extended the episode a bit longer

  6. So Pete’s power is mind reading & Kenta doesn’t have one, he just benefited from the social power of being Tony’s right hand man. Now he’s nothing more that one of the guards.. poor baby. To hear they person you loved the most, say they never cared about you & used you, to your face GODDAMN! Kenta’s never going to recover from that.

    I’m glad Alan found Jeff. The look on our sweet baby’s face when his mans showed up was priceless. Cannot say the same about Babe finally seeing Charlie isn’t dead. I can’t wait for the next episode bc I’ve been dreading them seeing one another again. Pus, Charlie also has to reveal he was helped by Babe’s bio dad. Its’s going to be a hell of a revelation for Babe to process.

  7. I genuinely cannot understand why for this series in particular people have been so rampant with book spoilers. Everything is me going oh? Was that supposed to be a surprise? I (unwillingly) learned that 3 comment sections ago😐🙄🤦‍♀️ It’s hella annoying and so odd bc I can usually watch whole series based on books and be active in the comments without being spoiled.

    Anyways, it’s over next week and there’s an AlanJeff scene so I’m good.

  8. “I raised you like a dog.”

    I personally see my two cats as my sons and growing up I saw my dogs as family, would put both puppies above my parents. They have passed now but my love for them is still greater than for my parents.

    What I am trying to say is “Tony you better watch your back, I am not scared to spend the night in a prison cell.”

  9. Damn Way can you only manipulate one person every 5 min or something? Dude got his ass kicked and bag stolen…

    Also just me or could Charlie and Kenta be actual brothers? Like they similar features and when this series started I could barely tell them apart

  10. I’m literally blushing to PeteWay moments 😭 the fact that Ping(Pete) had a crush to Nut(Way) IRL i can’t😭😭 i know PeteKenta is not the endgame😭😭

  11. Seriously Babe is going to get some serious head injury if he gets hit in the head one more time… 😓 Is it really necessary!?

  12. Not me being confused thinking I missed an episode because how are we at episode 12; not remember this series has 13 episodes. Ah the body is young but the mind 😔
    First of all, Alan and Jeff fans this is our moment 😁

    Sir what is this behaviour 😝

    I cannot wait to see how that Charlie and Babe’s reunion is going to go down next episode because Babe has been here depressed; matter of fact he even looks like he aged in this scene

    That auction was just hard to watch; simply disgusting. Tony is worse than any animal that he thinks those children to be. The people attending are no less worse than he is.

    Watching Kenta behave the way he does reminded me of the lyrics of Bob Marley’s song:
    “Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our minds”
    Often times people focus so much more on the physical aspects of slavery but make no mistake mental slavery is just as bad if not worse because you can beat someone to near death but they fight with some resistance if it is even a scream but to beat someone near to death and they resign themselves to the inhumane punishment that is mental slavery where a person has lost all hope and spirit and is conditioned into submission. The mind is the greatest prison. I really hope Kenta gets freedom in the resolution or is at least set on the path of recovering from such deep mental imprisonment.

    Anyways looking forward to the finale 🥳

  13. Yay! His baby Charlie is back!!
    Now Pavel has a huge motivation to put Tony down. And they will, even if they get into the trap they prepared for Tony at first. But they will figure that out.

    Way allowed Pete to read his mind for the second time when Pete held his hand. In a book that cute Way is going to die, he will not get a second chance to love 🥺😭

    Alan put all the people on their legs to find his baby.

    Kim, please show Kenta what real love is!❤️

  14. So Babe’s pops has been doing what exactly for all these years with the clear knowledge that his son was with that prick who gets rich by auctioning special alpha children as if they are prizes. And then on his own as a racer. 🤨 Like he was testing these drugs or what? And for what exactly? Was he planning on using them with Babe, but hey guess what, Charlie will do for now. He got a 50-50 deal off. What a bargain. Shifting powers between them so it seems.

    I don’t get it. I know the law takes time and to gather proper evidence too, BUT they have A LOT of intel on Tony’s deeds as they are realizing now as there is a bit of communication going on with the former alpha orphans… honestly they could’ve done this sooner, it would get a lot easier… however, YEARS have passed and neither one of these so-called special alphas with unique abilities got anything done? Don’t tell me it was because Kenta the loyal dog got in their way. 🙄 And let’s not solely blame neither him or Way for being blind for daddy’s nonexistent love and gaslighting BS either. Pete tried pulling both out with his own methods. Turns out he a mind reader 😂 of all powers he needs to touch and *boom* no thoughts are safe around him. 👀 Good thing it worked for Way. Kenta is just too stubborn for his own good and still holding onto his leash. He had his fair chances and blew it.

    Babe’s father became a “stalker” of his own son, seeing him at a distance while doing all this. Pete has build his company in order to have more power and money to do something. And YET it took them years to get to this point and Tony still has the upper hand. HOW? He has freakin’ Winner as his right hand now. A sore loser with a pow pow gun and an attitude problem and what a few dozen men in black at his service. North and Sonic work to boost the social media of the team, why not expose this auction and anything more LIVE on their channel? I mean they have a fanbase and views. With the title of Exposing Tony Chen’s real identity. The man everyone thought to be a father figure is this POS. I mean it would be a kickstart. But nah let’s walk in there with an invite but out in the open so we all get attacked as we divide our forces. 🤣

    Sounds like a great plan. Said no one ever. Not even Jeff.

    FREAKIN’ Charlie CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD to the rescue.
    Just shows how badly prepared this group was despite their chances.
    But well, thanks to that, there has been a miracle 🤣😂🤣 he can WALK now.

  15. 🙄 This is really really bad. They waltz into enemy territory like runway models expecting to take down Tony with their fists!? 👊 💥 🤜🤛

    🤷🏻‍♂️ What!? Why!? 🙅‍♂️

    😠 I’m appalled with this purchasing of children with psychic abilities. What’s the benefits of owning these kids!?

    I am probably the only one who is not happy with this uncle.

    Idk the back story yet, but he did sell his son to a guy who cornered him into ruin. Granted that he had laboriously gained a foothold back on his business, but why had he not reached out to Babe if he had all that time to stalk his son. Right now, could he be a key evidence, witness, or victim to shut down Tony’s trades. Also, he tested unapproved drugs on humans, Charlie.

    I may be wrong or Kenta, who has no value to Tony, is very good at pretending to be loyal and not wanting to be abandoned. 🎭

    🧨 Bam! How much more abuses would Kenta endure!? 🥺

  16. Doing witchcraft so that I enter pitbabe universe and take care of tony crusty musty dusty ass myself 🔪🔫. Might as well smack some sense into kenta because no one could ever put up with all that violence. This is not the time for roleplay, kenta wakeeeeee upppppppp

  17. At least from the preview we know that Babe won’t be mad at Charlie for not including him in his plan hehehe

  18. Way can’t be helped 🙃. Idk what Pitbabe is thinking about this Brokeback Mountain music planing during Way & Pete scene 🤦🏾‍♀️ bring back Kenta… and more of that flashback scene 🥰.

    Okay let’s go back to the meaning of this series that’s Jeffy & Alan. As soon as I said “Jeffy happy, I am happy” and then Kenta comes through with a kidnap 🤦🏾‍♀️ this ⛴️ can’t catch a break 😔

    Just give us like 15 min of Jeff & Alan – a wholesome moment. Kenta you’re about to be un- redeemable any moment now – TF. I enjoy the side characters but not so early in the show.

    I’ll add the rest of the comments when I finish 😔

  19. So Pete had the same power as Achi, just that he didn’t gain it after he turned 30 🤭 How could Pete say that he and Kenta were like brothers. He definitely seemed to enjoy that accidental kiss. He even looked at Kenta’s lips after that.

    Kenta was blindly loyal to Tony even though he treated him so badly 😓 He respected him as a daddy but he treated him like a dog 😮‍💨

    I am confused with Babe’s senses. Did it return back to Charlie again as he was alive? But as Charlie had been taking the injection, he didn’t feel the senses.

  20. KENTA KENTA KENTA legit i cannot with u anymore. for a spilt second i was feeling for a trople with u, Pete and Way.. but nahh f that. go bark around outside. im done with u.

    this felt so rushed idk something felt offf.. anyway how was Charlie using a crutch and now he pops up a day later swinging and knocking these guards out.. Mind u the other “healthy” alphas keep gettin beat up 🤣 I cannot

    Yo Babes pops??? 🫨 HEYYY BOOOOO