Chief Detective 1958 (2024) Episode 6

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  1. Oye………’s like one step forward, two steps back. This is gonna get really ugly now with that former officer back~

  2. Sadly this masterpiece is only 10 episodes. As it goes on it continues to get better and better. Easily a top 5 drama this year in my opinion.

  3. Commenting before watching the preview…

    Waaahhhh I thought they won’t solve anything this episode…that was a nice entranceChief Yu!
    I wonder if there’s a recorder or something in 1961? Like a Walkman? or cassette recorder? Though I think that was in the 80s.
    I would’ve really like to see Unit 1 turn the table over with a recording of that Baek-something admitting he was the one made Chief Yu’s legs like that at the hospital. Coz that would’ve been a solid proof…maybe if there’s a recording, they can still submit it in court…unlike today those kind of evidence are not allowed.
    Yesterday I thought it was Chairman Lee’s men who attacked Chief Yu…I guess I was wrong…there are another level of evil they
    introduced in this episode.

    I so loved Hye Ju and Young Han’s conversations…I just enjoy how Hye Ju supports Young Han from the start.
    Young Han calling Hye Ju “Yeobo” and them speaking in a formal is so cute…of course I would like him them to speak informally but it wasn’t the way in that era…and speaking formally has it’s charm.

  4. I know this is action drama but seeing fighting scenes all the time is getting boring. It will be good to see them work more with brain then muscles. 4 people beating up 20-30 people all the time, are they really police officers from 1958?

  5. Well, the tone has changed and things are getting serious now, I guess this is the storyline that will carry on for the next four episodes though I sincerely hope not. We’ve got a new set of villains whom we still have unfinished business with Lee Jung-Jae.

  6. I want to love this drama but it feels like it’s going like a headless chicken. Cases aren’t interesting except that bank robbery one. However, I do appreciated the bond of this team.

  7. yo was really hoping they put an end to that ex military guy that just became a cop along with Choi Dal-Sik this guy is snake