The Tale of Rose (2024) Episode 8

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  1. That was bat shit crazy…huge red flag…that might be something one might do if one caught the partner cheating
    I know it was a trust issue but yikes…

  2. Difficult for a man to understand a woman’s ambition especially HIS woman’s ambition. She didn’t surrender. She has her mother’s genes, her father 6th sense, her brother’s enthousiasm. She is a winner although her road will be painful.

  3. sad to see Yimei crashing down to reality when she was young & foolish. The romance of the Beijing-Shanghai rainy night conversation evaporated in the bright prospects of a lucrative job in Paris. He got her bedded and that was sufficient for him.😠

  4. It’s full of life. Extra baggage will make relationship even heavier and this is true in reality.

  5. Bastard was a red flag frm the start. She should’ve caught it wn he told his mom she z nothing. But guess wt? Her hormones couldn’t restrain frm slpi around. It’s just animal love.

  6. Wnever they met it’s always physical. There was no commitment nor serious talk abt their relationship. He wanted her only on bed coz she z beautiful. But she z the one who has to bear more pain if she gets pregnant by that f!lthy b@stard so shouldn’t she b careful abt that? I hate ppl carelessly having sex n marry someone else with child frm their previous relationship n make them responsible fr their shit. I see all signs of her carrying this guy’s child. M really gonna hate her

  7. I’m glad, they broke up,I think she still likes him though 🤣, nothing better than a self assured woman, im rooting for her 😊