The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) Episode 6

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  1. I loved how the FL did not let the director off the hook so easy by half-assing an apology after disrespecting the years she’s put into helping build the academy to where it is now. On the other hand, it did not take the director long to resort to kneeling since staying stubborn would bring a bigger loss to him and not her.

    The confession was done in an interesting way. Junho went about it in an indirect way leading to a direct exchange of feeling, sealing it with a kiss. I see that a lot of people feel there was no build up. I on the other hand could clearly see the signs, especially from Junho. He’d been subtly flirting since day-1, letting her know every chance he got that he is not a kid but a grown man who is now at the same level as her. Hye Jin has also been taking time out to give special attention to Junho. Late-night drinking, texting, strolling is not something you do just casually. She just realized it a bit later, but now she knows.

  2. I absolutely loved this episode, not just the kiss but the entire episode, everything.
    I love how real all of them were, doesnt matter if we agreed with what they said or did-
    The way Miss Nam simply left when she and hye jin met jun ho
    The subtle ways in which hye jin and jun ho showed care for each other (I dont know why some commenters here say that the build up to kiss was not there, it wa right there under your nose all the time)
    And I loved how honest and vulnerable jun ho was while confessing 😍

  3. I really like Ms. Seo. I love the way she handled Daechi Chase director’s BS apology over lunch and gave a piece of her mind calling him out. But the drunk kneeling was hilarious. Haha. Also made me smile the whole time Hye Jin held Jun Ho’s hands in hers to warm them, and they just naturally did it without feeling awkward. But when they kissed, I was worried if there would be CCTV at the office!!!! This brings me back to Gaus Electronics chaotic scene XD But also happy I was right that Jun Ho was indeed well aware of his feelings all this time. From the time he approached her again, dude’s been subtly flirting with her and resetting their boundaries from teacher-student to colleagues

    This episode honestly felt so short. Loving how things are progressing and I’m really curious what decision Hye Jin would make. When Director Kim gave her that shitty apology at first, I really didn’t want Hye Jin to stay with Daechi Chase anymore. But not gonna lie, his second apology was really sincere. Lol. But Jun Ho’s friend’s mom working at Daechi Chase could be another option! Hye Jin is definitely capable of starting her own place with that lady and Jun Ho. It wouldn’t be easy, that’s for sure, but it’s not that bad of an option.

  4. Theyyyy kissed!!! I repeat, they kissed!!! 😩😩
    Wi Ha Joon is a good kisser alright, I’m saying it. This is what I mean when I say slow burn. The build up was paced perfectly!
    And I think we can all agree that him leaning back and just absorbing all the emotions he felt, and just gazing at his first love, made the scene all the more intimate. Man I can’t wait for next week. Their secret dating phase is gonna be so funnn 🤭🤭
    Also, those 3 trying to save their asses really pissed me off 😑
    They really don’t see her as a partner. Just an instructor who can be as dangerous as useful. Idiots. And I am kinda scared that what the director said about the instructors dating and things turning ugly might be foreshadowing. He couldn’t say anything good, atleast he could shut it instead of spewing bad nonsense 😑

  5. IM SQUEEALING AHHHHH OMG MY HEART AHHHHHH okay first off the whole scene with her yelling at the director was so slay like girl knows her WORTH! the heater scene was filled with anticipation and heart-thumping moments i enjoyed it so much

  6. The kiss was pure perfection at the end. Love the main leads and watching their love story develop. Can’t wait for next weeks episodes.

  7. The way he looked at her face and her eyes before going in for the 2nd kiss!!!!! You can see the amount of desperation and fear in his eyes. And through FL’s eyes, you can tell that her brain and stomach is turning mushy and if she were not sitting, her knees would’ve given out. I love romance like this. So so so gooood!

  8. damn that kiss and confession scene is the most sensual and intimate scene I’ve seen in a kdrama. It’s not too much or too less. Just perfect. the light, the atmosphere, the chilliness of the winter but still the warmth of their surroundings, the eyes ughhhh. Things like this make me want to crave love again but I know it’s only as good as it gets in fiction. Kudos to the actors. The fl is so beautiful. In each scene i keep sighing “woah” “so pretty”. Wi Ha Joon is such a good pick for the drama too.

  9. That song Don’t Forget About Me is completely lacking in any romantic feeling. So annoying that they keep playing it. I want it gone.

  10. Could someone explain to me the difference between high schools and academies.They are not the same thing right?.

  11. The drama has been showing us their feelings growing for some time now…….

    Teacher Seo doing everything to help him, caring and worrying about everything about him, searching and waiting to see him in the school (in this episode she couldn’t even wait a day and had to call him asking where he was, and then they even met to eat and talk).

    Her having almost no time, but still meeting him outside work to drink, eat or talk… she sharing her worries and thoughts with him. Also, the scenes of her waiting for him to send her text late at night, and when he sent the text, they showed us a scene of her giggling and texting back while smiling. Every time she opens her fridge, she looks their pictures together and smiles…. it was clear she sees him as a man now, because everytime he implied his real feelings, she got anxious and tried to avoid it, avoid his stares, she gets nervous around him lol

    In the last scene, when he asked twice if she wanted to go back to before they met again, it was clear what he implied, but she said she didn’t want to go back = confirming her own feelings too.

    There is also JH scenes, he low key flirting with her, always trying to stay close to her and making every excuses for it – asking for car rides,wanting to live close her house lol.

    Also, he showing her how he didn’t like when she treated him as a student, making sure he wanted her to see him as a grow man, someone at the same level as her. I’m sure she realized why.

    I’m loving this, and already worried. She might act well around others, but JH is too easy to read lol and this episode made clear the director is against teachers dating

    I mean from every perspective possible, we had some comedy, a FL speaking up for herself, and most importantly a well-displayed fastgrowing-feelings-that-are-getting-out-of-control…

    Hye Jin is like her friend said is much more herself with Jun Ho around, she somehow got more courageous… especially, with speaking her mind and that is what we saw today a few times, and the last one her being honest about her feelings. AND this my friends is one of the most adorable and admirable things feelings from/to someone else can bring into oneself.

    The first 5 ep were so focused on the educational part of the story but at the same time were slowly building a bridge to what was presented in today’s ep… and that is what one calls a “slow burn”

  13. I’m really enjoying this kdrama and its slowly developing love story. It’s a nice slow burn romance so far.

  14. I just wish she joins Choi sun academy but l have a feeling the writer might make her stay out of loyalty or something to the director

  15. I am enjoying their developing romance but I am a bit concerned that later on someone might begin to suggest her behavior with him when he was just a student was inappropriate. The closer they get, the more other people can begin to make ugly comments such as she groomed him. Fingers crossed that no one decides to retaliate by starting such rumors.

    This could drive a wedge between them as he wouldn’t want to cause her harm.

    To heck with that. I just want a slow, happy romance where they stick together and support each other no matter what!

    -And we got a kiss 😊

  16. What a great episode.

    My two fav scenes are first, when Ms. Seo said he was her favorite student. I felt emotional in that part.
    Second is when Joon ho tried to kiss her and she didn’t fight it. I was actually surprised there. I was waiting for Ms. Seo to push him back. That was a nice and something different. It was really out of her character.

    I like that the romance has started already, but at the same time I hate it. Bec. this i will be her weakness. It would be hard to survive a scandal like this. I am terrific in the future. It will be expose for sure. This is kdrama 101.

    But let’s just enjoy it for now. Slow burn that we got a pay off this episode.

    We still don’t know what she gonna do during contract signing.

    Probably the best kdrama airing right. Suggest me anything if you see something good. Already watching Lovely Runner but just skipping scenes. Frankly Speaking it not bad. Love the Single’s Inferno spoof.

  17. I honestly had the biggest laugh when the director went down on both knees to apologize to HyeJin 🤣🤣🤣… ever the dramatic manchild he is to get his way. Couldn’t even last a day with HyeJin being mad at him; he knows the hagwon would take a hit without her.

    Highlight for me ofc was JunHo finally making a very direct move! I guess the realization that she could actually leave made the lid he kept on his feelings fly right off, lol. Thinking back to his unexpected cheekiness at times, even HyeJin couldn’t deny that she really did suspect he had deeper feeling towards her all along. I squealed inside a little when she accepted that kiss… are we gonna have a “secret dating” phase coming up?? lol

  18. Really liked that she did face off with that director like yes girl don’t be a pushover and try to understand everything just spit everything out!!!

  19. YESSS!!!! I like the slow burn dramas and I absolutely love when you can feel the intensity of feelings on the screen. The way he kisses her and then stops and looks at her to kind of let himself feel everything and examine her face and remember the moment AGHHHH. This is why I love director Ahn Pan Seok. Chef’s kiss from me and props to Wi Ha Joon, he just nailed the facial expressions in that kiss scene, you can just feel how much he likes her, you can also see hesitation and his fear of being rejected. LOVE IT!!!

  20. Seriously…I didn’t understand single thing what happens in this episode 😬*explain me plz*…. except kiss🤭( I knew that she knows he like her ) …

    This week ep is not so good … too messy for me….I didn’t get the vibes that romance drama give….

    I hope to next ep will be better….get some scene BW them ….but I only see the problems…it’s too focused on education….like they are solving some mystery and finding culprit….😂😂😂

  21. is it just me or does it feel like there was no real buildup of his feelings in the present… it was super cute, but i’m not entirely sold…

  22. idk why but the high school teacher keeps giving me serial killa vibes loll, every time hes on screen it feels like there’s one wrong move away from him losing it and just unaliving everyone around him or is it just me???

  23. This is such a refreshing watch!! I felttt the convo in the last seen , its been sooo long since I have felt this comforted , excited and happy watching a drama. I love where this is going!!

  24. I thought Jun Ho was driving to Hye Jin’s place but I guess not LoL? Oh he did actually ha-ha. Just didn’t go up to her apartment & drove off LoL. Her changing his contact fr – “My Pride” to “Instructor Lee Jun Ho“, she’s putting a distance between ’em.

    When the Daichi Chase Academy dir. mentioned ’bout the academy crashing due to 2 of their instructors havin’ a relationship .. is that to foreshadow in later ep. Idk LoL?

    Oh WoW they kissed💋😏🥰