Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact (2024) Episode 36

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  1. The Tear of Void is created from Yuechu’s vitality. So when Honghong instructed Susu to ensure the mission’s success, she taught her how to activate it. This activation created another dimension where their story continued as if they were starting anew. I also assume that in this new dimension, Aolai and Yaya were able to reunite because the world there is peaceful, and Aolai no longer needs to guard the circle and the six realms… but that’s just my wish. I love the scenic views and the special effects.
    Now I am waiting for the 2nd part of this Trilogy with Cheng Yi.

    1. Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact
    2. Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved
    3. Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Love in Pavilion

  2. I liked the costumes, scenography, visuals, but FM disappointed me, at least she could have shed a tear when the love of her life was dying,
    it took too long(episodes)for a not so exciting script, I’m sorry that such a quality cast had to pay the price of a boring script and director

  3. Wow now I have given up on endings to make sense. What BS did I just watch?
    Wang ma ma logic defeated Yu ma ma.

  4. To sum up this drama in my own terms – Inception and Multiverse combined… HAIYAAA
    Simon, I watched it for you and lured in to watch it too. We both shall take treatment in our cave!

  5. Soo someone needs to explain the ending to me. Wtf just happened?!
    like is he back from dead/reincarnated or came from another dimension??