Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact (2024) Episode 18

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  1. ๐Ÿ˜ why do the baddies keep on coming back??? At least Ren is gone for good … now … ๐Ÿค” … well I hope so.

    I don’t get why she has to give up the ‘love seed’ … why don’t they just get married under the Grief Tree and give it some ‘love’ super power … ๐Ÿค”

  2. Why? Tell me why? Why does HongHong ALWAYS choose the hardest choice out of a situation in the most self-sacrificing fashion everytime?? Not to mention crushing YueChu so savagely… damn. Now thanks to what RongRong said, he’s considering joining the YA, ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    And as expected, the roaches are back (really soon too, wow). But that was slick to leave the core with Renfeng (as if she was helping him) then snatch it back after he refined in with that last formation he used on HongHong. What I don’t get is – how did that power remained after the slashes from the sword?? Wasn’t it supposed to destroy all accumulated powers within him, even the core? Plothole? Hmmm…

  3. why do I feel the main leads were forced to act.. they look so unhappy and ill-matched!

    and then we have black fox’s resurrection after resurrection ๐Ÿ™„