4 Minutes (2024) Episode 7

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  1. The younger version of Great and Tyme were so adorable. Great feeding Tyme the wafers as he played his game; so cute🥺🥹
    They would’ve been great childhood besties if only their parents ran clean & legit businesses.
    Tyme’s parents shook hands with the devil and unfortunately they paid the price, though they were guilty of running illegal gambling dens they were in too deep with Warit & his “gang”.
    Warit is such a ruthless& cruel murderer, why would anyone even want to have any business dealings with him legal/illegal 🤦‍♀️
    I just feel for Tonkla. The justice system failed him too many times, no wonder he became a vigilante. He’s had a pretty sad life🤧

  2. these last episodes since we got into the actual timeline have been bothering me so much with so many tiny details no one would probably notice 😭 sometimes I wish I could just overlook them but who the heck tosses an sd card with the best evidence possible away without breaking it into million pieces or even burning it, which cop also goes around with evidence without backing it up?? he didn’t even put it in his backpocket or anything just randomly tossed it in his car and went out and about with it it seems lol and also how the heck Tonkla saw those 2 crabbers “AH lets me go ask them sure they’ll know something” and woah guess what THEY had BACKUP!!! They should’ve been the cops instead lmao
    As for Tyme and Great…I remember when Great asked Tyme how he knew he was scared of dogs and Tyme said he just did his research about him very well.. MAN…I HAD A FEELING they had known each other before and ofc it’s the childhood friends to enemy to lovers trope just to punch us in our feelings even more 😭 Also the 4minute woman the other doctor is doing his research has always been very sus 🤔
    I either want tyme and great to both somehow miraculously survive or please let them die together and live happily ever after in afterlife I guess lol
    RIP Tyme’s Granny btw 😔😔💔

  3. This is a wast of time…. Save yourself. I wanted this to be good but its just too damn out there for me. I will stop here. Love the actors but this shit just ain’t good at all.

  4. Apparently these two met through their parents’ introduction. So cute, Tyme was a big protective brother.

    I wonder if they will remember that they have met. I suppose only Great’s parents would. Since he is the son of their business partners.

    Again, this episode is running in reality not in Great’s 4 minutes of memory. Would it have been better had the series start and stay like this ohr show us the out of sequence or random alter-reality scenes like in the first five episodes more interesting?

    😅 It was funny that Dr. Den’s female patient was hitting on him. He dropped the heart shape cookie, but later he pieced the broken cookie together. 🫶 Her updated experience might be helpful waking up Great from his coma.

    If the timeline shown to us was what really had happened, then this means Korn hooked up with Tonkla right after the death of the abusive father. Imagine, Tonkla’s state of mind at that time. Learning gay sex right after the death of his cat and the murder of his father. So Dome is very important to his sanity and survival. He killed his father avenging his cat. Now he’s out to kill those who hurt his brother. He has gone to the other side, lost and would not return to his sense.

    In a way I could sympathize with Tonkla going to the deep end avenging those who hurt his beloved ones. Warit, on the other hand, is a vicious greedy killer who eliminates other shareholders. That was horrible to witness grandma shot to death and then see the face of her killer taunting Tyme with the cause and death of his parents.

    And that brings us up to date with Tyme struggling to stay alive with bullet wounds. Now, we have both Great and Tyme stuck living or reliving in an alternate reality of their own. Would Dr. Den able to help them come out of their comatose state? TBC.

  5. wow… my dude Tonkla was unhinged from the beginning..I— 🫨 to think I swore up nd down he had snapped when his brother died and Korn was no where to be found. But he had issues from the get probably due to the abuse from his father. Us seeing the black cat was him in his delulu evil state plotting his next moves for revenge.

    We all knew that one officer was crooked AF. The clip was found and that pos broke the chip. If it wasnt for Win’s sense of justice (or lust for Tonkla’s booty) snooping around some more Title wouldve gotten off. Little sick fuk thought he would get away with murder nd he wouldve if Tonkla hadnt dealt with his azz. Too be fair Tonkla tried Win’s way but Win was attacked and lost the evidence. So he took matters into his own hands and did his own investigation. Lucky for him the parent-son duo had saved the footage from the chip. I cant say I blame him for seeking justice both times when the law shouldve handled it. Unfortunately the law did not give him justice both then and now. 👩🏻‍🦯🙂‍↕️☕️ (Then being when they called the cops on pops nd now the death of Dome).

    So thats the real phone call Tyme got when Great was shot. 📝 wait wait wait dont tell me Tyme actually whispered sweet nothings into Great’s ears while dude was in a coma.. cause I said that jokingly before 🤣 whomstttt 😗☕️ but look they both died at the same time..

    NAHH THIS DUDE KILLIN GRANNY WAS UNCALLED FOR.. WOW I DID NOT EXPECT HER TO DIE. 😭 WAT AN AHOLE… MAY U ROT IN THE DEEP DEPTHS OF HELL .. soo this is how Tyme got shot .. I see I see.. 😵 Great’s mom introduced pops to Tyme’s folks who BTW arent clean either.. how many times ima be shocked in one episode 🤣. They ran a gambling business by the border 🕵🏻 smh.. Uncle has been schemin for years and killed Tyme’s parents with Great’s dad being an accomplice cause he knew.

    now this ending here was a WTF moment.. cause did we jump back to a flashback or dream/loop now. Is his regret not reading moms diary? man listen to me they both dead or are in a coma.. mayb one managed to make it out.. but its a slim slim chance here.

  6. We again had a lot of business to cover and uncover today.
    first of all, that apology scene between Thyme and a very comatose Great in the hospital had me trying to cry my eyes out and just made me hurt for them. Also, this is why you should never say hurtful things while being angry because you will more than likely will always regret it.

    Then we have Tonkla who has some major psychotic issues going on and was spiraling very scarily to being unhinged. Now I don’t want to speculate but I’m pretty firm on the fact that Tonkla and Dome’s father did not just “fall” down them stairs.
    Also, inspector Win, sir I just ugh….i don’t have words for you and your carelessness.

    Now am I shocked to see that Korn’s fiancé’s father is the one behind Thyme’s family being killed and Thyme himself being gunned down and killed, no I am not because that man from the get go gave me the impression that he was not a good person. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he would do something to Great’s family to cover his own self either.

  7. Ain’t no way this timeline is the real one, because if it is then both Tyme and great will die, also how can my baby tonkla have a dual personality, he became a crazy psychopath, I was so scared of him and what happens to him every time the cat appears he goes from human

    To monster real quick

    This episode was full of mystery we skipped multiple times with no heads up it kinda confused me, plus the girl who sees 4 minutes to the future was here also, and what does she mean she could have died if not for her boyfriends voice lol

  8. Hmmm I can see that Tonkla has always been a killer, jokes🤭. No lie tho but they all deserved it. His acting today was exceptional with the way his eye changed. It was seriously creepy when all you could hear was the cat collar bell 🔔 ringing as he walked down the stairs.
    And it pi$$ed me off seeing Title walked around that town like his shit don’t stink 🤬. So happy Tonkla put an end to his terrorisation.

    Overall, this is some Romeo and Juliet type Shaba but with a twist. And that ending left man even more discombobulated 😕 than before.

  9. So annoyed right now cuz my original comment keeps getting blocked. Cries

    But you were right about the forgive me note! Honestly I’m blown by how observant you are. (Stands up and takes off hat)

  10. The biggest losers in both the original tl and the modified one are Tonkla and his brother, one dies a horrible death and the second becomes a killer. I honestly do really hope that somehow Tyme can save their lives, they deserve a happy life together :((

  11. SPOILER… I’M SO BUMMED THIS IS ENDING NEXT WK!😭🤧 I just knew Tonkla hadn’t k illed his cat. He showed so much care and sadness when he buried him. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t love him and was devastated he lost him in that vicious manner😡 Seeing him interact with Dome showed how bonded he was to him and why he lost it when he found out he was k illed. And why does it look like he pushed his drunk father down the stairs?!🫢 I guess anyone can hit their breaking point. That was the first revenge plan for k illing his beloved kitty and for yrs of abuse towards them. Dare I say, good on him for that (in fictional drama land ofc)😔

    So, as we expected that one cop/ chief is corrupt and destroyed evidence. And now we know and have confirmed why he’s busy destroying it, Title is his son… 💩💩💩!!! Win now also knows Title k illed Dome. I’m still concerned Win is gonna end up dead🙈 We’ve watched how unhinged Title was from the beginning but it’s somehow satisfying to watch others see how s ick he was, hopefully they won’t all end up died for knowing too much🙏 Win is so naïve and dumb at this point after he knows he was ordered to stop investigating the case AND he knows that guy was ordered to show edited footage if anyone came looking for it AND he was already told anonymously before that to stop investigating or he’d end up dead AND he knows now why his chief was doing all that. He should have had that unedited footage duplicated to the Cloud or live stream on social media or wherever the moment he left the surveillance CCTV booth. Also, should we be alarmed at how good the actor playing Title always seems to be with these disturbed characters?👀😅

    Ton Kla got tired of being the victim. He understandably had no trust left in the system since they never helped him with his abusive father growing up, so when Win told him to trust in him and the system he said, no way I got this on my own. Those continued sinister smiles from Ton Kla gave me chills😨

    He was a man on the mission💪 Ton Kla must have felt betrayed to see the connection between Title TO Great TO Korn in those social media pics😭

    That woman with the heart condition brought back to life bc of hearing her boyfriend’s voice. Interesting. Who was her boyfriend?🤔 Is it relevant? “Hearing is the last sense we experience before death.”
    It was a relief to see Tyme didn’t just use Great but actually did care or like him bc I was too invested in them for it just to have been he was played. Did Tyme really have to witness the execution of his sweet grandma?! BRUTAL!!!😮 RIP😔🙏 So, we know the mastermind in k illing Tyme’s parents, grandma and now Tyme. THERE’S ALWAYS A TOP DOG IN CHARGE…

    Not that it would matter (since Warit would find them anywhere and at any time it seems) but why did Tyme go back to his place? And the TWIST… So it was actually Great’s mom and Tyme’s parents that got the chairmen/ fam company into the underground gambling business? I did not expect that😮😮😮

    Ep 1 scenes were more revealed in this ep. Now that ending, like every ending in this series still has me screaming and flipping out. So, does that mean Tyme knew his parents weren’t innocent victims after all, after reading the diary?🤔 Did Tyme go forth with his revenge plans simply for the fact that they were taken away from him? These script writers are solid and impressive❣️

    P.S. Props to all these actors and especially the actor playing Ton Kla, so young at 18 yrs old and he is k illing this role figuratively and literally, lol

  12. Spoiler!
    Made thousands of mistakes in life but nothing can top thinking TonKla is just a twink🎀!!!!!! That man straight up a PSYCHOTIC MENACE!!!☠️☠️

    The wayyy he was cutting those tomatos and the appearance of the cat gave me chills!!!!!!!